Universal Shredder is a program to keep your PC private and clean.
This program is able to look for the trail you leave behind when you surf the web, or when you use instant messengers, send files to the recycle bin, and perform other activities. Thus, this tool can delete that trail permanently, making it unrecoverable. It will also delete garbage information usually left in your system after uninstalling certain programs. Besides, it allows you to effectively delete those files that somehow resist to be erased.
You can configure the program to search for and to delete specific content stored in your Internet Explorer and Firefox web browsers. You can tell it to seek for authentication sessions, cache files, cookies, download history, browsing history, or forms, and erase that information from your system. You can also watch the trail left behind by MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, Trillian, Skype, or NetMeeting, and decide what to do with it.
Universal Shredder will also permanently eliminate the content of your recycle bin, temporary folder, run command history, and recent document list. You can also set the program to wipe content generated by popular applications like Microsoft Office, Nero, QuickTime, Windows Media Player, and Windows Movie Maker.
The program includes a "Buy Now" command that leads nowhere, as this is a free application.